


(Applicable Law Governing Subcontract for Foreign Construction Engineering Project)


案例:中国某海外工程公司承包了波兰的某大型建筑项目, 承包商与分包商均为中国的建筑商,它们之间签订了该工程的分包合同,该工程在波兰如期开始施工,但该项目仅进行了一年多时间,因各种原因波兰方面就提出解除合同,并索取巨额的赔偿。由于该纠纷涉及到承包商与分包商之间的违约问题,在诉讼中承包商与分包商的一方认为应适用不动产所在地波兰法律,另一方认为由于双方均为中国建筑商,理应适用中国法律,这就产生了涉外建筑工程分包合同的多国法律冲突与适用问题。

Case: A
construction engineering company
of China (the “Contractor”), has
contracted a large-scale construction project in Poland and subcontracted
the project to a Subcontractor, which is also a Chinese builder, by
entering into a
subcontract thereof. Construction
of the project commenced as scheduled and proceeded for only over one year before the Poland party proposed termination of the subcontract for
various reasons and claimed for a large sum of compensation. The claim involves
a dispute over breach of contract between the Contractor and the Subcontractor.
In the litigation
process, one party thereto claimed that the laws
of Poland
shall govern by reason that the real estate of the
project is located in Poland; while the other party thereto claimed that the
laws of China shall govern by reason that both parties to the subcontract are
Chinese builders. This gives rise to a matter on conflict of laws of various
countries and the governing laws in respect of a subcontract of foreign
construction engineering project.



Entities of Subcontract of Foreign Construction Engineering Project



the practice of contract for
engineering projects, general contractors of large-scale projects generally assign
certain part(s) of the projects (or make assignment of the total project
quantity by certain proportion) to subcontractors with
corresponding qualifications. In case of breach of contract by the
subcontractors due to failure of proper performance of corresponding subcontracts
or in case of any extra losses sustained by the general contractors for reasons
attributed to the subcontracts, legal relations among the project owners, general
contractors and subcontractors come into existence.   



acronym “FIDIC” stands for the International Federation of
Consulting Engineers. Many of its regulatory documents apply extensively to
international engineering contract
projects. Under FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Works
of Civil Engineering Construction
, the
owner and the contractor under a contract for works of civil engineering
construction may
stipulate matters on subcontract
upon entering into the contract, or the contractor may, under the engineer’s
instructions, employ a subcontractor to undertake part of the contract project.
As to the nominated subcontractor, under FIDIC
Conditions of Contract
, if the contractor refused to employ a
nominated subcontractor and the owner insisted on employing a subcontractor,
the contractor shall not be held liable to the owner for any matter caused by the
subcontractor. Such provisions are in conflict with provisions of China on the
relations among the owners, general contractors and subcontractors. According
to provisions of subcontracting principle under Article 38.3 of the Sample of PRC's Construction Engineering Contract, “project
subcontracting shall not release a contractor from any liability or obligation
under a construction engineering contract; the contractor shall dispatch
relevant management personnel to station on the site of subcontracting to
ensure performance of the contract; the contractor shall be jointly and
severally liable for any damages to the project or other losses to the contract-offering
party caused by any breach or negligence of subcontractors
”, the contractor
shall be jointly and severally liable for losses caused by the subcontractor. Such
conflict of laws makes legal relations under foreign construction engineering
contracts more complicated. An international construction engineering contract may
involve many contractors and subcontractors from different countries, giving
rise to conflict of governing laws.  



Governing Relations under a Foreign Construction Engineering Contract in China  



respect of settlement of dispute between a contract-offering party and the
contractor, Article 37.1 of the Sample of
PRC's Construction
Engineering Contract
stipulates as follows: any dispute arising from performance of the contract
by either the contract-offering party or the contractor may be settled through amicable
consultation or
through mediation presided by relevant competent
authorities. In case of either parties’ unwillingness to or failure to reach a
settlement through amicable consultation or mediation, both parties may select
one of the following dispute settlement methods pursuant to special provisions:
one method is to submit an arbitration agreement concluded by and between both
parties to an arbitration commission as agreed for arbitration; the other
method is to initiate litigation proceedings with a people’s court of competent
jurisdiction. It can be seen that arbitration and litigation are two optional
available for settlement of disputes over construction
contracts in China.



to the fact that the owner, contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) under a foreign
construction engineering project may come from different countries, the fairly
commonly seen problem in practice is, in case of any dispute arising
from the project, by the laws of which country
shall the dispute be governed.
Prevailing laws of China contain no expressive provisions on foreign
construction engineering contracts or jurisdictions on
of disputes over subcontract. In China, disputes on governing
are mainly settled pursuant to relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of PRC and
the Law
of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations
In the FIDIC conditions of contract, the FIDIC forms are
not restricted, nor intended, for use under a particular governing law.

Specific domestic and foreign legal provisions on such disputes are as follows:


1、       民事诉讼法》第23条规定,“因合同纠纷发生的诉讼,由被告住所地或者合同履行地法院管辖。”;

provided for in Article 23 of the Civil
Procedure Law of PRC
A lawsuit brought on a contract dispute
shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the
defendant has his domicile or where the contract is performed


2、       《民事诉讼法》第34条规定,“合同或者其他财产权益纠纷的当事人可以书面协议选择被告住所地、合同履行地、合同签订地、原告住所地、标的物所在地等与争议有实际联系的地点的人民法院管辖,但不得违反本法对级别管辖和专属管辖的规定。”;

provided for in Article 34 of the Civil
Procedure Law of PRC,
party to the contract or other property dispute may choose by written agreement
to be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court in the location of the
defendant’s domicile, where the contract is performed or signed, in the
location of the plaintiff’s domicile, in the location of the subject matter or
in other locations which have actual connections with the dispute, provided
that the provisions on hierarchical jurisdiction and exclusive jurisdiction are
not violated

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